Happy Tongue Out Tuesday with love from Roxie! If your dog barks, chews, howls, or cries while riding in the car, give A+ Dog Training a call at 209-985-7898. We can help you!
Read moreHappy Selfie Saturday with love from Roxie! A+ Dog Training will begin filling November’s Free Consultation Block. Tom will call people on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday that are at the top of our Wait List. We currently have 54 on the list. Please call 209-985-7898 to be placed on our Wait List for a free
Read moreI’ve got a new co-worker in the office at A+ Dog Training! Roxie’s job is to be calm on her bed. At this rate, she might earn Employee of the Week. Does your dog embarrass you during your Zoom meetings? Are you the one that always has to be on mute? Call A+ Dog Training
Read moreRoxie is a 9-month-old Golden Retriever that was getting the hang of living with her family until unforeseen circumstances caused Roxie to have to live in the backyard for two months while her owner recovers. A+ Dog Training’s Board & Train program is a seven-day kickstart for Roxie to relearn what she already knew and
Read moreHappy Tongue Out Tuesday with love from Roxie! Roxie is a Golden Retriever with goals of being less excited and peacefully living indoors with her owners. A+ Dog Training’s most popular Calm Canine program is the best fit for her. Welcome to our pack family, Roxie! Get ready to follow Roxie throughout the week and
Read moreWorking for A+ Dog Training requires a new pair of sneakers about every six months. Tom knows when he needs new shoes because dogs won’t stop sniffing them to see what other dogs he’s worked with. LOL If you look hard enough, you could figure out which two are the old pairs of shoes. But
Read moreMeet Enzo, Golden Retriever on A+ Dog Training’s most popular Calm Canine program. Retrievers enjoy greeting guests and we are going to show Enzo & his brother how to be the “hosts with the mosts”. Welcome to our pack family, Enzo! Do you need a little extra help from a professional to get your dog
Read moreMeet Wrigley, Golden Retriever on A+ Dog Training’s most popular Calm Canine program. Retrievers enjoy greeting guests and we are going to show Wrigley & his brother how to be the “hosts with the mosts”. Welcome to our pack family, Wrigley! Do you need a little extra help from a professional to get your dog
Read moreThis is just a reminder that A+ Dog Training offers a Dog Walking Service for the public and we are currently providing this service in Turlock, Denair, & Hughson. If you are a part of A+ Dog Training’s pack family and have serious underlying medical conditions and/or are an older adult staying indoors to be
Read moreIt’s Tongue Out Tuesday with Matisse & Teddy. Tom’s in the picture too but I couldn’t get him to stick his tongue out. Need help managing your own pack on a walk? A+ Dog Training can help. Call 209-985-7898 to be placed on the Wait List for a Free Consultation.
Read moreJust a few reminders so that pet-friendly stores remain open for the dog community: Please don’t forget that before entering a pet friendly store: Make sure your dog goes potty (preferably away from customers & the front entrances/exits) and to bag and throw their waste. Also, if your dog continues to bark, lunge, or mark
Read moreThe perks of being professional dog trainers is that people trust you & allow you to manage a dog (any dog) in a crowd. We sat in the very back with Matisse & worked on Stay for an hour without distracting anyone. She did such a great job!
Read moreHappy Selfie Saturday with love from Matisse the rescued pit bull!
Read moreIt’s a Feel Good Friday type of day and it looks as though Matisse & Ammo are conspiring to request the day off.
Read moreWe love working on Stay with a dog because it gives us a reason to dine out! Matisse did an awesome job staying by Tom’s feet at Lulu’s Ice Cream Parlor on Canal Rd. in Turlock. Of course, she did have an already productive morning so working on Stay by lunchtime just got easier. Impress
Read moreTom had a private training session with Emi so I took this opportunity to work with Matisse in a new location. At the end, they were both tired from their separate sessions & briefly got to look & say hello to each other. You can follow Emi the Shih Tzu on Instagram @all_about_emi
Read moreTomorrow is forecasted to be in the triple digits. Make sure to set your alarm and mark it in your calendar to walk the dog tomorrow morning. You’ll feel better after the walk, your dog will be tired and calmer around the house, and it’s always a great way to clear your head and start
Read moreTom & Matisse got to join our Dog Walking client Teddy this morning. Both dogs think that whenever they see another dog, they get to jump on each other and play. This walk was to communicate to them that not every dog is a playmate. Socializing can be doing a constructive activity (like walking or
Read moreMatty’s owner said that she is very needy while riding in her sport’s car. I sat in the back of our Charger as Tom drove us to various training locations. I tried to simulate a two-seater car with me as the driver to see what Matisse would do. Really all Matisse needs is the proper
Read moreChocco is now attending an Elementary class with his owners. Before class started, Tom saw Chocco coming from across the park. I couldn’t believe it was Chocco. He’s grown so much since we had board & trained him! He is definitely maturing into becoming a big dog and his handlers are doing so well with
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