Canal Vet Workshop

Canal Vet Workshop
A+ Dog Training was invited to speak with the Canal Veterinary Staff over bagels and conversations about how to make your dog more comfortable when going to the vet.
A few things we recommend:
• Walk your dog for 30 min. right before their visit (if possible).
• Get to your vet early to allow your dog to get acclimated and comfortable at their office. Allow them to sniff around instead of just sitting and waiting to be called in.
• Let your dog approach the vet tech on their own. While they sniff, hand off the leash.
• Take your dog to the vet even without an appointment. Most vets encourage you to come in, weigh your dog, and let them sniff the lobby. The techs can even pet or give your dog a treat if they have time.
• Get your dog used to being handled. Check their nose, gums, ears, body, paws, and tail DAILY. Encourage everyone in your home to do this. The more your dog gets handled, the easier it’ll be to take your dog in for an exam or to the groomers & daycare.
Going to the vet does not always have to be a stressful experience! Train them now before an emergency happens.

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