Terrific Tessy

Terrific Tessy

A+ Dog Training has been working with Tessy since April.  One of her goals was to have better obedience.  Tessy has been doing so well mastering basic obedience that she is now challenged to work on a long leash.  A long leash offers opportunities for Tessy to master Stay and Come from a distance around

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It’s Hard Being This Gorgeous

It’s Hard Being This Gorgeous

Shelby has a slight fear when going to the groomers at Pet Supplies Plus.  So, A+ Dog Training took Shelby to Pet Supplies Plus as one of her training sessions to get comfortable and gain more confidence for her next grooming appointment.  Shelby didn’t have an appointment on this day.  This was just a regular

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Joey & The Cat

Joey & The Cat

Today’s Feel Good Friday post goes to Joey and his roommate.  One of Joey’s goals was to live peacefully with the cat, and receiving a photo like this from his owner shows how much progress Joey has made in his training sessions.  Way to go, Joey, you get an A+!

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There’s Always Time to Train

There’s Always Time to Train

Training doesn’t have to be a 30-minute session every day after work.  We understand that sometimes you’re too tired to think about working with your dog.  May we suggest you incorporate training into a habit so it’s a natural part of your lifestyle? For example, when teaching Sit Stay and a release command (like OK),

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Feel Good Friday with Wally

Feel Good Friday with Wally

Wally’s goal was to be less reactive to dogs on walks. Wally’s owners learned enough tools during their Delightful Program that his final session was to understand the Find It game for those super hot, summer days. We are so proud of how much progress Wally has made. Way to go, Wally! On today’s Feel

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Marvelous Marie

Marvelous Marie

Meet Marie, a Standard Poodle with goals to walk in public without barking, greet guests better, obey commands better, and have the courage to get out of the car on her own.  Welcome to our pack family, Marie!

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Rad Rex

Rad Rex

Meet Rex, a Labradoodle with goals to walk with his owner confidently, stop barking out the window on command, and enjoy family outings.  Welcome to our pack family, Rex!

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Marvelous Marie

Marvelous Marie

Meet Shelby, a Terrier Mix with goals to learn basic obedience, stop barking at other dogs that walk in front of the house and learn boundaries inside the house.  Welcome to our pack family, Shelby!

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