Colt the Labradoodle was born in July and began training in October 2014. In 2016, Colt signed up for A+ Dog Training’s Dog Walking Service. There were times when Ammo would join Colt on his walks. Sometimes Tom and I would walk the two to Hamilton’s Café for lunch. Colt and Ammo were BFFs. In
Read moreColt & Ruger enjoy their morning walks with GiGi. Although it’s a bit rough for Colt (and GiGi) to wake up early and beat the heat, they also keep cool by finding the best paths with shade. Sometimes the neighbors’ sprinklers are on. A+ Dog Training is respectful and doesn’t allow dogs to walk on
Read moreSummer camping trips are winding down. It’s time to take down our 4th of July decorations and dust off the pumpkins. The children are back to school and your schedules are slowly taking shape. If you are a current or former client of A+ Dog Training, we’d like to remind you that there’s an option
Read moreA+ Dog Training would like to welcome our A+ Lifetime Member, Teddy, to our dog walking schedule. As Teddy’s owner recovers from surgery, Teddy and GiGi get to bond with weekly walks. You’ll see Teddy leading October’s Free Community Pack Walk! Don’t forget that the Pack Walk begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, October 7,
Read moreI walk Colt & Ruger three days a week around their neighborhood. This year I noticed an elderly gentleman sitting on his front porch, soaking in the morning sunshine. He wasn’t always out front to wave hello to, but I did notice that he was out there more often this year than last. One day
Read moreIt’s a Wonderful Wednesday when Colt & Ruger show their Hughson Pride. These two Doods walk the town with A+ Dog Training 3x a week to release their energy & keep GiGi in shape. How can your dog be your accountability fitness partner?
Read moreIt’s a Happy Tongue Out Tuesday for GiGi & Stevie! GiGi enjoys walking Stevie midday 3x a week. Why? She burns a lot of calories without working up too much of an appetite. It’s a great way to relieve midday stress. It’s an awesome time to think & pray. It’s an awesome time to catch
Read moreToday, Teddy didn’t just get to walk around the park for 20 minutes with GiGi, he got to be the Teacher’s Pet & help Oliver learn how to act around other dogs. This was Oliver’s first time sniffing/meeting another dog and Teddy was a very helpful dood. Great job all around! This was A+ training
Read moreThese lucky dogs get to go on a walk today with A+ Dog Training! Happy St. Patrick’s Day, everyone!
Read moreArthur and I went for a walk in the neighborhood and found another Free Little Library. Did you know that reading outdoors while having your dog Sit Stay is considered training? Try it! The fresh air, exercise, and reading will be a great break for you & your dog!
Read morePuppies socially distanced before social distancing was a thing. Roxie & Ruger are fine walking together if they are far enough apart. If they get any closer, it’ll be a leash-tangled party of jumping and playing. A+ Dog Training is here to show them that a productive walk can be a good time too! Does
Read moreThis is just a reminder that A+ Dog Training offers a Dog Walking Service for the public and we are currently providing this service in Turlock, Denair, & Hughson. If you are a part of A+ Dog Training’s pack family and have serious underlying medical conditions and/or are an older adult staying indoors to be
Read moreIt’s Tongue Out Tuesday with Matisse & Teddy. Tom’s in the picture too but I couldn’t get him to stick his tongue out. Need help managing your own pack on a walk? A+ Dog Training can help. Call 209-985-7898 to be placed on the Wait List for a Free Consultation.
Read moreAfter his walks with GiGi, Teddy likes to grab his tennis ball and dip it into the coy pond. But if he doesn’t grab it quick enough, I have to watch him try to fish it out. I eventually had to splash the water to propel the ball to the other side where Teddy was
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