Spike Gets an A+!

Spike Gets an A+!

What a great way to start a Monday!  Spike is really learning how to have manners around humans.  He is one A+ dog. A+ Dog Training enjoys receiving updates on how your dog’s training is going and the milestones that they achieve!

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Rules & Boundaries

Rules & Boundaries

Stevie wants to remind everyone about why rules & boundaries are so important. Rules are what a dog is and isn’t allowed to do: Don’t jump on people.  Don’t pull on the walk. Boundaries control where a dog can & can’t go: The baby’s room is off-limits.  Don’t go out the door until I say

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Customized & Personalized

Customized & Personalized

A+ Dog Training’s Calm Canine Program is customized & catered to fit your dog’s needs, as well as your family’s lifestyle. Sessions can be broken down into 30-minute sessions if that’s all your puppy can handle before they lose focus or fall asleep!  Usually, sessions are an hour long.  But during the summer heat, sometimes

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Mighty Moses

Mighty Moses

Meet Moses, a GSD with goals to master a solid Come command, stop barking at his owners while they’re eating, and stop playing in the water bowl every time.  Welcome to our pack family, Moses!

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Mighty Max

Mighty Max

Meet Max, a Terrier Mix with goals to know commands – especially when walking, to stop destroying his owners’ belongings, & to not be so anxious or growl around people.  Welcome to our pack family, Max!

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Wonderful Wednesday with Jolie

Wonderful Wednesday with Jolie

Jolie needs to learn how to be less reactive around other dogs.  For her first exercise, we had our big Labrador around her.  Eventually, we’ll bring her around more dogs.  Jolie was able to ignore Ammo and be comfortable around him.  They both earned an A+ for the day!

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Original Ora

Original Ora

Meet Ora, a Pitbull Boxer Mix with goals to walk in public without reacting to other dogs, be more confident in the house when left alone, and relax more so that she doesn’t bark or jump on the couch.  Welcome to our pack family, Ora!

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Selfie Saturday PSA

Selfie Saturday PSA

A Selfie Saturday Reminder: You don’t have to pet EVERY dog, just like you don’t shake hands with EVERY person at a party. Sometimes dogs just need a human to be near them so they learn to trust that humans are safe.  Don’t force a sniff from a dog.  Maybe they’re not ready. It’s nothing

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Jolly Jolie

Jolly Jolie

Meet Jolie, a Chihuahua/Toy Poodle/Shih Tzu/Pomeranian/Cocker Spaniel/Mini Pinscher Mix with goals to be more comfortable around people & other dogs, and to Stay when a door opens.  Welcome to our pack family, Jolie!

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