It’s a Wonderful Wednesday when we let sleeping dogs lie.
Dog lovers always ask us what type of bed they should get for their dog. Like people, every dog is different. We’ve seen owners spend a lot of money on a cool cot when their dog would rather sleep on the bathroom rug. We’ve seen owners build beautiful doghouses when their dog never goes inside but lays on top of the house! No matter how many people tell us not to crate our dog and that it’s too hot in his crate when we’re working an outdoor event, they don’t understand that Ammo feels safe in his plastic crate & goes right back into it even after a being inside it on a long road trip.
So please don’t tell other dog owners how they should crate or not-crate their dog or what kind of bed (or even training tool) works best for THEIR dog – just because it works for your dog.
A+ Dog Training asks the owners where they would prefer their dog to sleep. Some like their dogs sleeping in bed with them, others want them crated so that they can travel more with them, and still others have a cot inside & outside of the house. A+ Dog Training customizes training sessions to fit your family’s needs.
If this sounds like the type of professional trainers you are looking for, please join our Waitlist for a Free Consultation and let’s talk about how we can help create a peaceful & harmonious home!