Doggy Daycare might not always be the solution for your dog while you are at work. We want all dogs to be happy at daycare. In order to be happy, they must be healthy and safe.
A Reactive Dog is a dog that barks, lunges, or pulls when they see another dog on a walk. Often the owner believes the dog wants to play but the behavior is normally motivated by frustration or fear.
Daycare is not a solution for reactive dogs.
When someone brings a reactive dog into a room with others to play, that dog will either fight or shutdown. If your dog is not a reactive dog, be careful about placing your dog into a doggy daycare or dog park with other dogs that may be reactive dogs. They could also pick up bad habits and bring them into your home.
If this post hits home for you, call A+ Dog Training at 209-985-7898 so we can discuss alternatives to keep your dog healthy and safe.