Jollie Jolie

Jollie Jolie

Guess who’s back!  If you don’t remember her, Jolie is a Chihuahua-Toy Poodle-Shih Tzu-Pomeranian-Cocker Spaniel-Miniature Pinscher Mix that accomplished her goals of being more comfortable around people and other dogs and not racing out the door once opened.  She trained with A+ Dog Training for about three months last year. Recently, Jolie moved with her

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Happy Tongue Out Tuesday!

Happy Tongue Out Tuesday!

It is too often that dog owners inquire that their dog needs a basic obedience class to stop them from barking/lunging/pulling toward other dogs.  Their dog is overwhelmed & stressed when placed in a group setting.  A+ Dog Training customizes your private training sessions to slowly ease your dog into obeying your commands when in

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Peace in the Home

Peace in the Home

If your dogs get possessive over toys, their human, or even the food bowl, A+ Dog Training can help you.  Our mission is to help create peace in the home! A+ Dog Training is not a company that teaches your dog the basics in a group obedience class.  We offer personalized, customized training sessions to

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Barking at Skeletons

Barking at Skeletons

Chewie is ready to let all his skeletons out of the closet this Halloween! If your dog barks constantly and you’re unsure how to get him to stop, sign up for A+ Dog Training’s waitlist for a free consultation.  We can help you! Happy Halloween with love from Chewie and A+ Dog Training!

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Are your dogs distracted and you feel like they’ve got “selective hearing”? A+ Dog Training can help your dogs focus on you around distractions.  Join A+ Dog Training’s waitlist for a free consultation. Zoey, Olive, and A+ Dog Training would like to wish you a warm and sunny Halloween season!

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Knock Knock

Knock Knock

We’re in October and it’s time for your front door to be used for Halloween, Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday packages, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve festivities!  Is your dog ready? It’s time to work with your dog daily with manners at the door. A+ Dog Training can help you with: Non-stop barking when

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If you want to enjoy walking and socializing your dogs, this is your perfect opportunity…because it’s free!  A+ Dog Training wants to get to know you, your family, and your dog!  Join us for a walk and meet other dogs and their owners. Walks last 45-60 minutes with open sidewalks and lots of garbage cans

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Boo! With Booker

Boo! With Booker

A+ Dog Training is taking Booker’s training to the next level.  Booker is doing a great job working on his manners out in public.  He is also working on his confidence with a Stay around unnatural objects.  This will help when his family goes on trips and he is exposed to new environments.  Booker will

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Leave It

Leave It

Juniper takes a moment to control her instincts and leave the geese alone.  GiGi was not ready to get dragged and take a swim at Stan State.  Way to go, Juniper!  You get an A+! The command Leave It is just as important as Stay and Come.  Leave It teaches the dog what they can

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