You Making Me Crazy

You Making Me Crazy

Now that you are home more, you can help distract your dog from their unhealthy obsessions.

Humans think that dogs chasing after their tail all day is cute and funny, but A+ Dog Training sees too many dogs turn it into an obsession. This German Shepherd has caught her tail one too many times. Now that you’re home, redirect your dog from their licking or tail-chasing obsessions. You might have to constantly redirect them, but it could save your dog’s mental state and your pocketbook in the long run.

Other harmful obsessions: barking at shadows/reflections, chasing the red laser, excessive barking at the slightest sounds

If redirecting your dog on your own isn’t enough, give us a call at 209-985-7898 to set up a consultation. Removing unwanted behaviors is one of our specialties!

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