Dogs and Children Can Live Peacefully

Bell working with hyperness around children

I have been reading a few recent articles about dogs attacking children.  Our programs are designed to train your dog to live peacefully with babies.  Yes, dogs are animals and accidents can occur.  However, A+ Dog Training is there to show dog owners how to prevent unwanted situations and even train your children how to be a responsible dog owner.

Our A+ Lifetime Program is exciting because our families never know exactly when they’ll be expecting a new addition to their family.  It could be a year after training with them that we’ll receive a call and come back to train and prepare their dog to its new boundaries with the nursery, smells, and sounds of a baby.  We even have a CD specializing in training your dog!

If you are ever nervous about having your dog around the baby or children or if your children are too afraid to perform dog chores (walking and feeding the dog), please don’t hesitate to call A+ Dog Training.  It is never to late.

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